The New SARS-CoV-2 Variants and Their Epidemiological Impact in Mexico
FIG 1 Epidemiological and genomic surveillance in Mexico. (A) Daily average of new confirmed cases and deaths in Mexico in the context of four pandemic waves. The left y axis portrays the number of newly confirmed patients diagnosed daily, and the right y axis is the total number of deaths on each date. Both metrics were calculated as rolling 7-day averages using the date when each patient was registered. The first day of each month is marked on the X-axis. (B) Percentage of deceased and surviving patients throughout the pandemic as shown by age categories (5-year step). The type of patient is shown separately. (C) Average sequenced genomes per rolling 14-day period based on the day of collection of each sample. The top 6 most abundant lineages are shown in the legend. Confirmed cases are shown in a dashed line for context only.
FIG 2 Vaccination in Mexico. (A) Mechanisms of the adaptive immunity after vaccination for controlling SARS-CoV-2 infection. (B) Total doses and percentage of each vaccine that has been acquired in Mexico. These are clustered by type of vaccine, along with example particles shown on the right. (C) Daily percentage of confirmed cases in each age group based on vaccination program (based on 7-day rolling averages). The first day of each vaccination stage (per age group) is marked with a diamond. The span of each of the fourth waves is shown as bars at the bottom. (D) Daily lethality per age group (based on 7-day rolling averages). Confirmed cases and deaths were sorted by the same date of the registry. The first day of each vaccination stage (per age group) is marked with a diamond.
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